Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Sorry for the late entry today. We continue to enjoy all the entries and blogs, as well as, all the visitors and well wishes. Mom continues to rest comfortably and is making great strides to get some words out and communicate with us better. She has enjoyed the time she gets with her friends who have come by, and she surely has enjoyed all of the time she has had with her cats. We thank you all for the continued support you have all provided and we look forward to sharing the blog with you each day forward.

God Bless

John and Courtney


  1. Hi Ann. Keep warm. Get better. buddy

  2. Hey, if you have trouble posting a comment, you may need to preview it first and then post it. bb

  3. Hang in there, Anne!
    and keep on keepin' on!

    love to you all,
    the princess

  4. Hi Anne, sorry I have not had a chance to wander across the street for a visit. However, I wanted you to know that we are thinking about you often and praying for a speedy recovery. Keep working really hard with those rehab therapists, having been in the field, I know how hard it is,but hang in there! Love, Char
